Is there a Relationship Between Breast Implants and Cancer?
The question of is there a relationship between breast implants and cancer? may be the most frightening question for you, women, who intend to undergo breast augmentation procedure. Certainly, you will not worry if you choose this path and then you will be safe in the future. Of course, this finding needs to be clarified.
FDA, Food and Drug Administration recently issued a statement regarding about relationship between breast implants and cancer found and the association with anaplastic large cell lymphoma or commonly referred to ALCL. Do you know about ALCL? ALCL is a cancer that attacks the body's defense system that is very rare. Although later this relationship still needs further study to ensure there is a clear relationship.
So how ALCL can occur as a result of breast implants? ALCL may have evolved towards the more serious in locations such as skin and lymph nodes, and can develop in the breast, although it was rare occurrence. According to the facts found by the National Cancer Institute that ALCL was originate in 1 in 500,000 women in the United States within a period of one year. Can you see how this is so rare, and chances of case that very small. The fact subsequently found that, it was happening in the breast, 3 in 100 million women in the United States within one year. This is the picture of how rare those case.
Many researchers are still difficult to determine whether the surface texture of the breast that can cause ALCL, or whether the selected type of implants such as saline or silicone
So how to address relationship between breast implants and cancer?, the best thing is to try to comprehend how the actual risks and benefits obtained, do not forget to consult with your doctor so you get the safest medical procedures and profitable as well as much of the risk of damage.
5:59 PM
Breast Implants and Cancer
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Breast Implants and Cancer
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